Kenta Kobashi Jun Akiyama Takashi rikio Vs Mitsuharu Misawa Akira Taue Takashi Morishima NOAH 05/10/2003

Kenta Kobashi Jun Akiyama Takashi rikio Vs Mitsuharu Misawa Akira Taue Takashi Morishima NOAH 05/10/2003

In many of his six man appearances post 93/94 Misawa tends to take a backseat and the match is about the other guys in the match, he will come in for a couple of exchanges and to break up some pills but the most interesting parts are about the other guys. This was not the case here, Misawa is no longer the man, he lost to Kobashi 7 months prior and is firmly established as no2 in a promotion for the first time since 1992 and he is pissed. He is incredibly stiff has a pep in his step and works with more effort and intent than anyone else in the match going straight for Kobashi at the start and hitting several brutal elbows, a basement dropkick tot he outside and then a elbow suicidia. His team’s heat segments on akiyama and rikio at best when he is the one delivering the beating being as much of a dickhead as you will ever see him. He is not Misawa the stoic unflappable ace here he is instead like Jumbo in 91 he is a grumpy old man and it rules.

But even with all of this he still doesn’t hog all the ring time all six guys but particularly Taue get a chance to shine, but when Misawa is in the crowd lights up more than with anyone else as though his speed and stiffness everyone knows he means business. It is similar to watching modern day akiyama in a bigger match. It is a joy to watch. As I said there is far more to this 30 minute six man than just Misawa who may only be in for 6 or so minutes of the run time. There is the classic heirarchy of a ajpw tag but not quite as pronounced and there are the rivalries and respect shown between both opponents (rikio and Morishima as tag partners normally) and partners (akiyama and Kobashi are uneasy with one another). There were a few down moments that were not helped by the famously shit differ crowd that is even worse than Yokohama bunka gym. But mostly it is a really good noah six man with an excellent Misawa performance that elavates it to greatness ****