Category: NOAH 2010

Yoshihiro Takayama Vs Jun Akiyama Global League final NOAH 02/05/2010

Yoshihiro Takayama Vs Jun Akiyama Global League final NOAH 02/05/2010

I am fairly sure from watching this that Takayama was pretty injured going in as this was 95% a Akiyama carry job. For a match that was very short for a tournament final (13 minutes) they spent a lot of it in headlocks and other holds or doing count out teases to waste some time. … Continue reading Yoshihiro Takayama Vs Jun Akiyama Global League final NOAH 02/05/2010

Takashi Sugiura c Vs Togi Makabe GHC Heavyweight title 28/02/2010

Takashi Sugiura c Vs Togi Makabe GHC Heavyweight title 28/02/2010

Other than the very start and one or two bad moments this was a pretty exemplary version of heel invades from another promotion and challenges face champion. Makabe was a dickhead using deliberate ref bumps help from Honma, a chair and a table in his attempt to take out Sugiura and his left leg. The … Continue reading Takashi Sugiura c Vs Togi Makabe GHC Heavyweight title 28/02/2010

Takashi Sugiura c vs Takeshi Morishima GHC Heavyweight Title NOAH 5/12/10

Takashi Sugiura c vs Takeshi Morishima GHC Heavyweight Title NOAH 5/12/10

This was Sugiura’s 7th defence of his mammoth (and awesome) 581 day reign as GHC champion. He was running out of challengers at this point and Morishima was mainly an upper-midcarder at this point after his aborted world title run in 2008. Morishima was not massively hot going into this match and it was not … Continue reading Takashi Sugiura c vs Takeshi Morishima GHC Heavyweight Title NOAH 5/12/10