Yoshinari Ogawa c vs Akira Taue GHC World Heavyweight title 26/05/2002

Yoshinari Ogawa c vs Akira Taue GHC World Heavyweight title 26/05/2002

The build up to this match was very good, there was lots of fairly short tags between champion and challenger that would end in different ways, Ogawa would get the pin with a roll up one time then Taue would win with a roll up in return. Then Taue won with a choke sleeper (called the go to sleep, he was teaming with KENTA at the time) and finally wining with the nodowa.

Sadly the match itself didn’t match up to the build up for two thirds of its run time, it was 15 minutes long (imagine a ghc title match that short today one can only dream) and for the first ten minutes there was no life to it. they just worked dull and quite lazy really which was a massive shame considering who they are and how well they crafted a build up. The last five minutes where they went through all of the potential finishes fro the build up was really great pro wrestling with an engaged crowd and a real sense of no idea who would win. But sadly it came after 10 minutes of boredom really. **1/2