Tag: Zeus

Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee Vs Zeus & Ryoji Said RWTL 17/11/2019

Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee Vs Zeus & Ryoji Said RWTL 17/11/2019

I am going to end up sounding like a broken record but this was yet another really good RWTL match. This wa sthe second Nomura and Jake match that has been focuse don Nomura doing most of the work. I am not complaining I like both guys and I am sure Jake will have his … Continue reading Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee Vs Zeus & Ryoji Said RWTL 17/11/2019

Kento Miyahara c Vs Zeus AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Title AJPW 28/07/2019

Kento Miyahara c Vs Zeus AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Title AJPW 28/07/2019

This was the 4th title match that these two have had since 2016 three of which have happened in the last year. 364 days ago Zeus defeated Kento to finally win the triple crown in a decent match in Osaka pref gym 1. He lost the belt back to Kento a few months later in … Continue reading Kento Miyahara c Vs Zeus AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Title AJPW 28/07/2019

Kazumi Kikuta & Ryuichi Kawakami c vs Zeus & Atsushi Maruyama All Asia Tag titles 20/05/2019

Kazumi Kikuta & Ryuichi Kawakami c vs Zeus & Atsushi Maruyama All Asia Tag titles 20/05/2019

After Iwamoto and Lee lost the titles to Kawakami and Kikuta at the recent BJW show here the AJPW guys are trying to win back their promotions belts. You have the established team of Kawakami and Kikuta vs the more makeshift (even if there is an Osaka pro connection) team of Zeus and Maruyama. They … Continue reading Kazumi Kikuta & Ryuichi Kawakami c vs Zeus & Atsushi Maruyama All Asia Tag titles 20/05/2019

2018 End of Year Awards

2018 End of Year Awards

To end the year here is a list of awards from the year which outline some of my favorite and least favorite stuff from 2018 Match of the Year: Kento Miyahara Vs Naomichi Marufuji AJPW champions carnival final ****3/4Kento Miyahara vs Zeus AJPW 21.10.2018 ****3/4Zeus Bodyguard Shingo Takagi Vs Jun Akiyama Yuji Hino Joe Doering … Continue reading 2018 End of Year Awards

Sweeper (Jake Lee, Koji Iwamoto & Ryouji Sai) vs Atsushi Maruyama, Jun Akiyama & Zeus AJPW 03/01/2019

This got in got out and established what it needed to effectively and got the crowd massively invested. It was a win on all levels, Zeus and Jake shone with their interactions and Zeus vs Sai. There was noting massively adventures or ambitious it just set out that Zeus is a machine and that Jake … Continue reading Sweeper (Jake Lee, Koji Iwamoto & Ryouji Sai) vs Atsushi Maruyama, Jun Akiyama & Zeus AJPW 03/01/2019

Kento Miyahara Noaya Nomura yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi Vs Kai Zeus Takao Omori & Black menso~re AJPW 02/01/2019

This was a prelude to both the all Asia tag and the triple crown tag to take place the following day. The start of it was more of a build to Zeus Vs Kento than Kento Vs Kai but that was rectified later as Kai and Kento disappeared from the match as they just brawled … Continue reading Kento Miyahara Noaya Nomura yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi Vs Kai Zeus Takao Omori & Black menso~re AJPW 02/01/2019

The Big Guns (Zeus & The Bodyguard) vs Violence Giants (SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa) RWTL AJPW 01.12.2018

The Big Guns (Zeus & The Bodyguard) vs Violence Giants (SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa) RWTL AJPW 01.12.2018

Both of the big guns looked really good in this and the violence giants lifted their game to be properly trying again for the first time since the oppening night, not to say they have been bad on other nights but they were taking it more easy. Here they did try. This was nothing pretty … Continue reading The Big Guns (Zeus & The Bodyguard) vs Violence Giants (SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa) RWTL AJPW 01.12.2018

Get wild (Omori & Soya) vs The Big Guns (Zeus & The Bodyguard) RWTL AJPW 13/11/18

Get wild (Omori & Soya) vs The Big Guns (Zeus & The Bodyguard) RWTL AJPW 13/11/18

Bodyguard is the coolest person in the world anyone who disagrees is a nark. This was a match that got off to a slow start that was a little meandering but had a really good back half with Soya and Bodyguard as the legal men. Bodyguard to an axe-guillotine driver and a release German suplex … Continue reading Get wild (Omori & Soya) vs The Big Guns (Zeus & The Bodyguard) RWTL AJPW 13/11/18

Zeus c vs Kento Miyahara AJPW triple Crown Heavyweight Title 21.10.18

Zeus c vs Kento Miyahara AJPW triple Crown Heavyweight Title 21.10.18

There were parts of this match when I was thinking that this might knock Kento vs Maru from the cc finals off the top spot of my match of the year list, it fell just short but is still an incredible match. Zeus looked the best I have ever seen him, he controlled most of … Continue reading Zeus c vs Kento Miyahara AJPW triple Crown Heavyweight Title 21.10.18