Tag: Yuma Aoyagi

Kento Miyahara c vs Yuma Ayoagi Triple Crown Heavyweight Title AJPW 11/02/2020

Kento Miyahara c vs Yuma Ayoagi Triple Crown Heavyweight Title AJPW 11/02/2020

Yuma's first world title shot and the build up to it was fairly hot, they sold out korakuen for it and Yuma looked good in the prelude tags and some of the singles matches he had. often winning quick with three different moves, including a brutal new spin kick which is surprisingly good considering how … Continue reading Kento Miyahara c vs Yuma Ayoagi Triple Crown Heavyweight Title AJPW 11/02/2020

Kento Miyahara & Yuma Ayoagi vs Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee AJPW 09/12/2019

Kento Miyahara & Yuma Ayoagi vs Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee AJPW 09/12/2019

Nomura and Jake came in knowing that they were on 10points, to win the league they would have to win the match and then hope that Kai and Tajiri vs VG went to a draw or VG win to force a decision match between VG and Nomura & Lee. This knowledge formed the basis of … Continue reading Kento Miyahara & Yuma Ayoagi vs Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee AJPW 09/12/2019

Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyoagi Vs SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa RWTL 11/11/2019

Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyoagi Vs SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa RWTL 11/11/2019

Yuma Vs SUWAMA is Amazing!!! The first few minutes of this match were just ok at most, they did a bit of feeling out and then the dull brawl around rringside and slamming the head into the east and west sign. But then after that it was SUWAMA and Yuma in the ring and for … Continue reading Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyoagi Vs SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa RWTL 11/11/2019

Kento Miyahara, Yuma Ayoagi & Naomichi Marufuji vs Shuhei Taniguchi, SUWAMA and Shuji Ishikawa AJPW 11/08/2019

Kento Miyahara, Yuma Ayoagi & Naomichi Marufuji vs Shuhei Taniguchi, SUWAMA and Shuji Ishikawa AJPW 11/08/2019

Unlike the Aoki Tribute match between the good Okada and Sato from a month ago which felt like a celebration of the man in a style of match that he would of had. This was a more standard but still pretty great interpromotional six man. It was built around the dysfunction of the Kento, Yuma … Continue reading Kento Miyahara, Yuma Ayoagi & Naomichi Marufuji vs Shuhei Taniguchi, SUWAMA and Shuji Ishikawa AJPW 11/08/2019

Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura vs SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa & Hikaru Sato & Atsushi Aoki AJPW 17/02/2019

Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura vs SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa & Hikaru Sato & Atsushi Aoki AJPW 17/02/2019

The last Match AJPW will run in Hakata starlanes having first put on a show there in 1978. the building is closing due to being to old and out of date to upkeep and too expensive to renovate. They put in a little more effort than they usually do in six or eight mans on … Continue reading Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura vs SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa & Hikaru Sato & Atsushi Aoki AJPW 17/02/2019

NEXTREAM (Naoya Nomura & Yuma Aoyagi) c vs Black Menso-re & Takao Omori AJPW All Asia Tag Titles AJPW 03/01/2019

NEXTREAM (Naoya Nomura & Yuma Aoyagi) c vs Black Menso-re & Takao Omori AJPW All Asia Tag Titles AJPW 03/01/2019

Omori worked like a man possessed in this. When you watch Omori today you see a man who looks tired and in serious pain form from very bad looking knees. However, here he did not look like a broken down old man, he looked determined to win the all asia titles (again) and did not … Continue reading NEXTREAM (Naoya Nomura & Yuma Aoyagi) c vs Black Menso-re & Takao Omori AJPW All Asia Tag Titles AJPW 03/01/2019

Kento Miyahara Noaya Nomura yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi Vs Kai Zeus Takao Omori & Black menso~re AJPW 02/01/2019

This was a prelude to both the all Asia tag and the triple crown tag to take place the following day. The start of it was more of a build to Zeus Vs Kento than Kento Vs Kai but that was rectified later as Kai and Kento disappeared from the match as they just brawled … Continue reading Kento Miyahara Noaya Nomura yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi Vs Kai Zeus Takao Omori & Black menso~re AJPW 02/01/2019

Nextream (Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura) vs Sweeper (Ryoji Sai & Jake Lee) RWTL AJPW 25/11/2018

Nextream (Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura) vs Sweeper (Ryoji Sai & Jake Lee) RWTL AJPW 25/11/2018

Something that AJPW does better than any promotion in Japan and almost any promotion in the world is a brawl where it does not feel planned or co-operative like a dragon gate walk and brawl for example, where with that it all feels so planned just to waste time. They started with a good brawl … Continue reading Nextream (Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura) vs Sweeper (Ryoji Sai & Jake Lee) RWTL AJPW 25/11/2018

Kai & Kengo Mashimo vs Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura RWTL AJPW 23/11/2018

Kai & Kengo Mashimo vs Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura RWTL AJPW 23/11/2018

They started off fairly slow and simple with little in the way of heat, then with one simple elbow shot the it became a ferocious back and forth frenetic match. One downward elbow strike to Kengo's injured bicep/shoulder (is that right AJPW Discord?) changed the complexion of the match completely and for the next 17 … Continue reading Kai & Kengo Mashimo vs Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura RWTL AJPW 23/11/2018

Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu VS Naoya Nomura & Yuma Aoyagi RWTL AJPW 18/11/2018

Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu VS Naoya Nomura & Yuma Aoyagi RWTL AJPW 18/11/2018

This continued the shows very similar feel to the previous show. The day before this the main event was a good if too long match featuring NeXtream vs senior opponents. Here it was the same but the opponents were the senior members of their own stable. Again I felt like it went a little too … Continue reading Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu VS Naoya Nomura & Yuma Aoyagi RWTL AJPW 18/11/2018