Tag: Tajiri

Jake Lee & Naoya Nomura Vs Kai & Tajiri RWTL 13/11/2019

Jake Lee & Naoya Nomura Vs Kai & Tajiri RWTL 13/11/2019

This was about as good you are going to get for a house show main. They did some crowd pleasing stuff early on with Kai and Tajiri trying to get women in the crowd to stop screaming Jakeu. But then after that they work a clever match with Nomura hurting his shoulder and getting it … Continue reading Jake Lee & Naoya Nomura Vs Kai & Tajiri RWTL 13/11/2019

Catch up of things from the last few months where I haven’t posted anything

Catch up of things from the last few months where I haven’t posted anything

The last review I posted was at the very start of April and after that point I have not watched much wrestling at all. I have had some personal issues that have contributed to that. I missed nearly all of the cc outside of the first three nights and the final. Other than that I … Continue reading Catch up of things from the last few months where I haven’t posted anything

AJPW new year’s wars 2019 undercard 02/01/2019

AJPW new year’s wars 2019 undercard 02/01/2019

Oppener: Atsushi Aoyagi & Danji Tamura Vs hikaru Sato & atsushi aoki This was the debut for both Tamura and aoyagi, the later is Yuma's younger brother. Working with the veterans jr team they had the usual AJPW debut match but just in a tag format as the first half is all matwork attempts at … Continue reading AJPW new year’s wars 2019 undercard 02/01/2019

Joe Doering & Dylan James VS TAJIRI & Gianni Valletta RWTL AJPW 18/11/18

This was a way of getting Doering and James a loss against a team that anyone can lose against via shenanigans and not look to bad. They started with some brawling around the building before getting back in the ring and the larger men dominated, this went on for a short while until there was … Continue reading Joe Doering & Dylan James VS TAJIRI & Gianni Valletta RWTL AJPW 18/11/18

Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu VS TAJIRI & Giani Valletta RWTL AJPW 17/11/2018

This started as a pretty light-hearted affair with the opening being built around Tajiri Kicking his opponents in the arse. This actually came back in the finish which was pretty fun. it was a decent match but bizarrely the move that earned the pin, according to purolove a lariat, was cut and we went from … Continue reading Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu VS TAJIRI & Giani Valletta RWTL AJPW 17/11/2018