Tag: Naoya Nomura

Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee vs Shuji Ishikawa & SUWAMA AJPW 09/12/2019

Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee vs Shuji Ishikawa & SUWAMA AJPW 09/12/2019

Nomura and lee went through an almost 20 minute match vs the ace of the company and Yuma while Shuji and SUWAMA went through a 2 minute match vs Kai and Tajiri. Safe to say SUWAMA & Shuji were a bit fresher. They dominated most of the match that was just 18 minutes of fast … Continue reading Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee vs Shuji Ishikawa & SUWAMA AJPW 09/12/2019

Kento Miyahara & Yuma Ayoagi vs Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee AJPW 09/12/2019

Kento Miyahara & Yuma Ayoagi vs Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee AJPW 09/12/2019

Nomura and Jake came in knowing that they were on 10points, to win the league they would have to win the match and then hope that Kai and Tajiri vs VG went to a draw or VG win to force a decision match between VG and Nomura & Lee. This knowledge formed the basis of … Continue reading Kento Miyahara & Yuma Ayoagi vs Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee AJPW 09/12/2019

Jake Lee & Naoya Nomura Vs Kai & Tajiri RWTL 13/11/2019

Jake Lee & Naoya Nomura Vs Kai & Tajiri RWTL 13/11/2019

This was about as good you are going to get for a house show main. They did some crowd pleasing stuff early on with Kai and Tajiri trying to get women in the crowd to stop screaming Jakeu. But then after that they work a clever match with Nomura hurting his shoulder and getting it … Continue reading Jake Lee & Naoya Nomura Vs Kai & Tajiri RWTL 13/11/2019

Jun Akiyama & Takashi Sugiura vs Hitoshi Kumano & Naoya Nomura AJPW 11/08/2019

Jun Akiyama & Takashi Sugiura vs Hitoshi Kumano & Naoya Nomura AJPW 11/08/2019

Two 49 year old hard grumpy bastards vs two younger underdogs, story just writes itself. Akiyama and Sugiura dominate for most of the match before a hot tag to Naoya when he makes the comeback and Kumano gets some shots in on Akiyama but still falls to the vastly more experienced and better wrestler. Simple … Continue reading Jun Akiyama & Takashi Sugiura vs Hitoshi Kumano & Naoya Nomura AJPW 11/08/2019

Violence Giants (Shuji Ishikawa & SUWAMA) Vs Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee AJPW Tag Team Titles AJPW 27/07/2019

Violence Giants (Shuji Ishikawa & SUWAMA) Vs Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee AJPW Tag Team Titles AJPW 27/07/2019

This felt like a bit of a house show effort from three of the guys and a bit laboured and directionless for large amounts of it. The first heat sequence was by the sweeper team and it was very uninspired it was ploding and not particularly interesting. When Nomura was being worked over it worked … Continue reading Violence Giants (Shuji Ishikawa & SUWAMA) Vs Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee AJPW Tag Team Titles AJPW 27/07/2019

Catch up of things from the last few months where I haven’t posted anything

Catch up of things from the last few months where I haven’t posted anything

The last review I posted was at the very start of April and after that point I have not watched much wrestling at all. I have had some personal issues that have contributed to that. I missed nearly all of the cc outside of the first three nights and the final. Other than that I … Continue reading Catch up of things from the last few months where I haven’t posted anything

Kento Miyahara c vs Naoya Nomura Triple Crown Heavyweight Title AJPW 19/03/2019

Kento Miyahara c vs Naoya Nomura Triple Crown Heavyweight Title AJPW 19/03/2019

Nomura's first ever shot at the triple crown. The standard Kento formula is that after a back and forth start and then some brawling on the outside the opponent will take over and will work over Kento for the body of the match. Be it work on his leg, arm, chest, neck etc. Before Kento … Continue reading Kento Miyahara c vs Naoya Nomura Triple Crown Heavyweight Title AJPW 19/03/2019

Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura vs SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa & Hikaru Sato & Atsushi Aoki AJPW 17/02/2019

Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura vs SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa & Hikaru Sato & Atsushi Aoki AJPW 17/02/2019

The last Match AJPW will run in Hakata starlanes having first put on a show there in 1978. the building is closing due to being to old and out of date to upkeep and too expensive to renovate. They put in a little more effort than they usually do in six or eight mans on … Continue reading Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura vs SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa & Hikaru Sato & Atsushi Aoki AJPW 17/02/2019

Kento Miyahara & Violence Giants (Shuji Ishikawa & SUWAMA) vs Jake Lee, Naoya Nomura & Yoshitatsu AJPW 09/01/2019

Kento Miyahara & Violence Giants (Shuji Ishikawa & SUWAMA) vs Jake Lee, Naoya Nomura & Yoshitatsu AJPW 09/01/2019

In terms of work in the match this was largely a simple house show match with a few token signature moves and no nearfalls or anything like that. What elevated the match was the character work both comedy from the champions side and more serious as Nomura and Lee compete to fight Kento as they … Continue reading Kento Miyahara & Violence Giants (Shuji Ishikawa & SUWAMA) vs Jake Lee, Naoya Nomura & Yoshitatsu AJPW 09/01/2019