Tag: Masashi Takeda

Catch up of things from the last few months where I haven’t posted anything

Catch up of things from the last few months where I haven’t posted anything

The last review I posted was at the very start of April and after that point I have not watched much wrestling at all. I have had some personal issues that have contributed to that. I missed nearly all of the cc outside of the first three nights and the final. Other than that I … Continue reading Catch up of things from the last few months where I haven’t posted anything

Masashi Takeda Vs Toshiyuki Sakuda BJW Ikkitousen ~ Death Match Survivor 2019 28/02/2019

Masashi Takeda Vs Toshiyuki Sakuda BJW Ikkitousen ~ Death Match Survivor 2019 28/02/2019

Sakuda is a small guy so much so that he makes Takeda who wrestles as a jr look much bigger. This is a great boon for the match as Takeda takes a large part of it with Sakuda going for quick comebacks most of which come to nothing while the crowd get more and more … Continue reading Masashi Takeda Vs Toshiyuki Sakuda BJW Ikkitousen ~ Death Match Survivor 2019 28/02/2019

Masashi Takeda c vs Jun Kasai Freedoms World Championship Freedoms Blood Xmas 25/12/2018

Masashi Takeda c vs Jun Kasai Freedoms World Championship Freedoms Blood Xmas 25/12/2018

This was a Surface Sleeve Glass Board & Self Board Death Match so basically there was glass panes, light-tubes, razor boards and boards with plastic cutlery. They also used some chairs, scissors, pins, a staple gun, a ladder and a knife. In terms of pure spectacle in 2018 you could not get much better than … Continue reading Masashi Takeda c vs Jun Kasai Freedoms World Championship Freedoms Blood Xmas 25/12/2018

2018 End of Year Awards

2018 End of Year Awards

To end the year here is a list of awards from the year which outline some of my favorite and least favorite stuff from 2018 Match of the Year: Kento Miyahara Vs Naomichi Marufuji AJPW champions carnival final ****3/4Kento Miyahara vs Zeus AJPW 21.10.2018 ****3/4Zeus Bodyguard Shingo Takagi Vs Jun Akiyama Yuji Hino Joe Doering … Continue reading 2018 End of Year Awards