Tag: Kai

Jun Akiyama & Ricky Marvin Vs SUWAMA & KAI AJPW 10/10/2011

Jun Akiyama & Ricky Marvin Vs SUWAMA & KAI AJPW 10/10/2011

This was mostly a hell of a build up tag. It had its issue (Ricky Marvin in general) but was mostly really effective at building to SUWAMA vs Akiyama. The two of them were not in the ring together until 10 minutes and that was when SUWAMA was not the legal man. The two of … Continue reading Jun Akiyama & Ricky Marvin Vs SUWAMA & KAI AJPW 10/10/2011

Jake Lee & Naoya Nomura Vs Kai & Tajiri RWTL 13/11/2019

Jake Lee & Naoya Nomura Vs Kai & Tajiri RWTL 13/11/2019

This was about as good you are going to get for a house show main. They did some crowd pleasing stuff early on with Kai and Tajiri trying to get women in the crowd to stop screaming Jakeu. But then after that they work a clever match with Nomura hurting his shoulder and getting it … Continue reading Jake Lee & Naoya Nomura Vs Kai & Tajiri RWTL 13/11/2019

Kai & Yamato c Vs Big R Shimizu & Eita Vs Naruki Doi & Kaito Ishida Twin Gate title elimination match Dragon gate 21/07/2019

Kai & Yamato c Vs Big R Shimizu & Eita Vs Naruki Doi & Kaito Ishida Twin Gate title elimination match Dragon gate 21/07/2019

Back when I was watching DG regularly the twin gate title match was often the best match on the big shows, the trios too cluttered and the main event singles matches often way to long dull and plodding. One Kobe world 2019 it was not much different. The main event was 26 minutes of meh … Continue reading Kai & Yamato c Vs Big R Shimizu & Eita Vs Naruki Doi & Kaito Ishida Twin Gate title elimination match Dragon gate 21/07/2019

Kento Miyahara c vs KAI AJPW Triple Crown Title AJPW 03/01/2019

Kento Miyahara c vs KAI AJPW Triple Crown Title AJPW 03/01/2019

I really liked but was a little disappointed because I expected greatness from these two thought it meanders in parts but in other parts it was great. Kentos selling was a little spotty but because he sold it throughout as hurting but was never in the position that he could not walk it is not … Continue reading Kento Miyahara c vs KAI AJPW Triple Crown Title AJPW 03/01/2019

Kento Miyahara Noaya Nomura yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi Vs Kai Zeus Takao Omori & Black menso~re AJPW 02/01/2019

This was a prelude to both the all Asia tag and the triple crown tag to take place the following day. The start of it was more of a build to Zeus Vs Kento than Kento Vs Kai but that was rectified later as Kai and Kento disappeared from the match as they just brawled … Continue reading Kento Miyahara Noaya Nomura yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi Vs Kai Zeus Takao Omori & Black menso~re AJPW 02/01/2019

Kai & Kengo Mashimo vs Violence Giants (SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa) RWTL AJPW 04.12.2018

Kai & Kengo Mashimo vs Violence Giants (SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa) RWTL AJPW 04.12.2018

Yet more Kai and Kengo advancement as here they do celebrate together after the match but not completely with Kengos full involvement. As has often been the case with Kengo on this tour his shoulder/bicep was a target with shuji and SUWAMA getting revenge for when he beat Shuji via submission with an arm bar … Continue reading Kai & Kengo Mashimo vs Violence Giants (SUWAMA & Shuji Ishikawa) RWTL AJPW 04.12.2018

Kento Miyahara & Yoshi Tatsu vs Kai & Kengo Mashimo RWTL AJPW 25/11/2018

Kento Miyahara & Yoshi Tatsu vs Kai & Kengo Mashimo RWTL AJPW 25/11/2018

This being in Kai's home town he gets his own entrance and also the national anthem plays before the match which has not happened for other RWTL matches they are making this out to be a really big match. It works there is a big fight feel and a sense of anticipation before we start. … Continue reading Kento Miyahara & Yoshi Tatsu vs Kai & Kengo Mashimo RWTL AJPW 25/11/2018

Kai & Kengo Mashimo vs Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura RWTL AJPW 23/11/2018

Kai & Kengo Mashimo vs Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura RWTL AJPW 23/11/2018

They started off fairly slow and simple with little in the way of heat, then with one simple elbow shot the it became a ferocious back and forth frenetic match. One downward elbow strike to Kengo's injured bicep/shoulder (is that right AJPW Discord?) changed the complexion of the match completely and for the next 17 … Continue reading Kai & Kengo Mashimo vs Yuma Aoyagi & Naoya Nomura RWTL AJPW 23/11/2018

Bomber (Joe Doering & Dylan James) vs Kai & Kengo RWTL AJPW 20/11/2018

Bomber (Joe Doering & Dylan James) vs Kai & Kengo RWTL AJPW 20/11/2018

A Short but really fun match, Kai and Kengo do the odd couple tag team very well and Doreing, who was in fr his team pretty much the whole match was great to be in there. He also is really good at using his size to dominate and refuse to be thrown around and do … Continue reading Bomber (Joe Doering & Dylan James) vs Kai & Kengo RWTL AJPW 20/11/2018

Jun Akiyama & Daisuke Sekimoto vs Kai & Kengo Mashimo RWTL AJPW 14.11.18

Jun Akiyama & Daisuke Sekimoto vs Kai & Kengo Mashimo RWTL AJPW 14.11.18

Does Skeimoto keep getting bigger or do his shorts get smaller? This was as you would expect really good just tipping into great. Jun and Sekimoto gelled really well together and Kai and Kengo have great oddball chemistry. They did some good miscommunication spots like the hold and opponent but they duck spot to some … Continue reading Jun Akiyama & Daisuke Sekimoto vs Kai & Kengo Mashimo RWTL AJPW 14.11.18