Kento Miyahara c vs Yuma Ayoagi Triple Crown Heavyweight Title AJPW 11/02/2020

Kento Miyahara c vs Yuma Ayoagi Triple Crown Heavyweight Title AJPW 11/02/2020

Yuma’s first world title shot and the build up to it was fairly hot, they sold out korakuen for it and Yuma looked good in the prelude tags and some of the singles matches he had. often winning quick with three different moves, including a brutal new spin kick which is surprisingly good considering how clumsily and awkward he often is.

When we get to the match itself though it was pretty bad. On the bright side it was 24 minutes long which was the shortest triple crown match in years and thankfully was this short because it was bad enough at that length, going 30 would have been even worse.

Despite cutting off time the match still started with a nearly ten minute long section, almost half the match, of which was just boring brawling around the outside with little point to it other than to waste time. Yuma then did some work on Kento’s arm which was pretty good but wasn’t sold very well and then the match went into a finish stretch and ended. Kento really looked like he put in less thought and effort into this than he does on midcard sixmans on single cam house shows. He was really bad, Yuma was ok but certainly not a great performance by any stretch.

Bizarrely the crowd were not all that into it either as during the finish stretch they barely reacted to any attempted fall. This was easily the worst i have seen Kento in any big match, he didn’t give a shit. Please let this title reign end soon so we can have some different style main events even though i know SUWAMA is not winning it and the cc winner probably will. **