Kento Miyahara c Vs Jake lee Triple Crown Heavyweight title AJPW 03/01/2020

Kento Miyahara c Vs Jake lee Triple Crown Heavyweight title AJPW 03/01/2020

This is the 4th big singles match in the space of 8 months for these two and it slots in at third place in the ranking. It ended up being pretty good thanks to a great middle period of the match and a good finish. The opening was pretty shit though.

It reminded me of the shuji Vs Kento match from around June which was dull throughout. They just wasted ten minutes by constantly going outside or jawing with the crowd. It felt somewhat like the opening 25 minutes of a NJPW title match which is about as negative of a comment I can give to a match. It was boring.

But Jake then took over and destroyed Kento and it was glorious, many kicks and knees just decimating kentos face. Jake was so in control that he got really cocky and this led to an opening where Kento could get back in the match. But Jake would then take over again. Jake win every strike exchange and matwork as well. He lost to a few quick knees and a shutdown suplex that he fought over a bunch.

It was far less definitive of a win for Kento than we have become used to over this reign. Even when it seemed like he was in jeapody such as the previous match Vs lee or the Nomura match he would gain control of the finish stretch here he had little control over it.

Remove the first 10 minutes and it would have felt like one of the matches from kentos first reign from 2016. But sadly all that time wasting was still there and didn’t really serve a purpose other than to make the match go 30. Can’t remember much from the opening thitd other than a few headbutts and I only finished watching it an hour ago. ***1/2