Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee Vs Zeus & Ryoji Said RWTL 17/11/2019

Naoya Nomura & Jake Lee Vs Zeus & Ryoji Said RWTL 17/11/2019

I am going to end up sounding like a broken record but this was yet another really good RWTL match.

This wa sthe second Nomura and Jake match that has been focuse don Nomura doing most of the work. I am not complaining I like both guys and I am sure Jake will have his chance to shine later on the tour. Here though it was about Nomura and Zeus.

As we leaned last year during the royal road tournament Zeus and Nomura have excellent chemistry and they showed it off here too putting together great work whenever they were in the ring together particularly down the last 5-10 minutes when they were the legal men and put on a world tag title level finish stretch. Given the result o don’t expect a tag title match between these two teams unless Nomura and Jake win the league which given Jake is all Asia tag champ with Iwamoto seems unlikely.

I really enjoyed this as it along with the second match vs kento goes to show how much of a big deal Nomura has become in the last couple of years. ***3/4

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