Go Shiozaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima c Vs Masa Kitamiya & Yoshiki Inamura GHC Tag Titles 02/11/2019

Go Shiozaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima c Vs Masa Kitamiya & Yoshiki Inamura GHC Tag Titles 02/11/2019

The TOUGH team of Masa and Inamura are awesome, two guys of similar build who love throwing shoulder blocks and hitting sentons, what’s not to love?

Axiz were really good in this too. The story was that Axiz took out masa right away by hitting a vertical spike on him and threw him to the outside for nearly ten minutes. They then worked on the less experienced Inamura. But the second half of the match was masa screaming and attacking anything put in front of him. There was a strike exchange with go that ruled, go would chop him and masa would ignore it and this kept happening. Go you then hit a chop and look to Nakajima or Kobashi with a look of slight concern. This is awesome wrestling as it shows his doubt in a subtle smart way that doesn’t look stupid like the ‘Oh my god’ shock face of an Adam cole or omega.

All four of them were great, more of this style stuff from the tag division pleas send less of the 33 minute matches. ****

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