Burning Wild (Jun Akiyama & Takao Omori) Vs Xceed (Kento Miyahara & Go Shiozaki) RWTL Final 06/12/2014

Burning Wild (Jun Akiyama & Takao Omori) Vs Xceed (Kento Miyahara & Go Shiozaki) RWTL Final 06/12/2014

This was the third of 4 matches between these two teams and the best of those matches. It was a great feud and the highlight of ajpw through 2014 and into 2015. Burning Wild were a not particularly long lived team where akiyama showcased again why he is one of the best tag wrestlers ever and and Omori was in the middle of his middle aged miracle run. Teamed against younger opponents who they just seemed to despise. It was awesome.

Akiyama and Kento took center stage throughout with brawling early on around the arena with akiyama dropping his younger opponent with multiple ddts to the floor. They also took part in a absolute incredible last ten minutes that was worked like a classic big 90s tag finish. There was only one moment I didn’t like when Kento did a no sell off a superplex. That was a bit annoying and really jarred with the greatest strength of the match that flowed through the whole match and that was the brilliant struggle for every other move.

As an example akiyama went for the exploder on several occasions on Kento but only managed to hit it 25 minutes in with every attempt getting more and more reaction for it. A far cry from some noah tags where he would through a ton of them and nobody cared. Here everybody cared and on that note the crowd was awesome through and really good added to it.

This was probably the best ajpw tag this decade and for 25+ minutes gave an excellent display of stiffness and great struggle between the two teams as the older guys tried to squish their younger(ish go was 32) opponents. ****3/4

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