Evolution (SUWAMA (C) Joe Doering & Atsushi Aoki) Vs Go Shiozaki (C), Kento Miyahara & Yohei Nakajima Captains fall elimination match AJPW 8/07/2015

Evolution (SUWAMA (C) Joe Doering & Atsushi Aoki) Vs Go Shiozaki (C), Kento Miyahara & Yohei Nakajima Captains fall elimination match AJPW 8/07/2015

A captains fall elimination match is a match where to win you have to pin the opposition captain you can beat the others and they are eliminated but you have to beat the captain to win.

Not that that really mattered here as aoki pinned Go to win before anyone else not even Yohei had been eliminated. This was a poor match, it started ok with Yohei getting the piss beaten out of him by all three members of evolution who all treated him with disdain. But then once he tagged out to go the match just fell apart. Go was shit, really shit (sorry Bram) he did not look to care at all, something he quite often does when not in big matches. The rest of the match was just plodding and dull before aoki pinned Go.

The match had a couple of other problems, the crowd and the micing of said crowd chief amongst it. They announced 812, there was in no way 813 people there just over half that maybe but not north of 500. They miced them really loud to make it seem like there was more there but really because the crowd were not into it all that much so the mics just picked up a general murming as people were just talking rather than chanting/cheering.

It wasn’t very good and once Yohei was not in there nobody tried, it kind of sucked and they did not even use the stipulation at all, just have it be a sixman if you are not going to eliminate anyone. *1/2

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