Jun Akiyama & Takashi Sugiura vs Hitoshi Kumano & Naoya Nomura AJPW 11/08/2019

Jun Akiyama & Takashi Sugiura vs Hitoshi Kumano & Naoya Nomura AJPW 11/08/2019

Two 49 year old hard grumpy bastards vs two younger underdogs, story just writes itself. Akiyama and Sugiura dominate for most of the match before a hot tag to Naoya when he makes the comeback and Kumano gets some shots in on Akiyama but still falls to the vastly more experienced and better wrestler.

Simple but so good as a story with the crowd getting more and more behind the underdogs. The crowd also loved the Nomura and Sugiura interactions going crazy for whenever they were in there together. Akiyama was great all the other three were good, wrestling ain’t as difficult as many people make it look. ***1/2

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