Masashi Takeda c vs Jun Kasai Freedoms World Championship Freedoms Blood Xmas 25/12/2018

Masashi Takeda c vs Jun Kasai Freedoms World Championship Freedoms Blood Xmas 25/12/2018

This was a Surface Sleeve Glass Board & Self Board Death Match so basically there was glass panes, light-tubes, razor boards and boards with plastic cutlery. They also used some chairs, scissors, pins, a staple gun, a ladder and a knife.

In terms of pure spectacle in 2018 you could not get much better than a Masashi Takeda deathmatch. The previous match these two had in august was a mad match filled with loads of high-spots with the biggest of which was the fall through the ring too the floor after removing the canvas and ring boards. Here they went less for big move spectacle and more for blood and revolting spots based around torture. This included using a staple gun to staple a poster to the opponents tongue and forcing the opponents head into razor blades multiple times.

On top of some of the more stomach turning stuff there was some heart in mouth pinfalls towards the end. This was another great death match for Takeda in a year where every deathmatch title match he had seemed to be gold, I am interested to see just what he does next now he has lost both the BJW and Freedoms world titles. ****

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