Omori Hokuto vs Yusuke Okada AJPW 17/11/2018

This was the Debut match of Hokuto being given a debut in his home town as AJPW like to do.

AJPW also like to give a new wrestler plenty of time to shine with this match nearly going 9 minutes which is a fairly long time for a debut. It was a fairly simple match with some well done if a little over-practiced looking grappling at the start. Okada took over before Hokuto made a comeback and worked on top for a short while before a more back and forth to the finish. Even though there was some back and forth Hokuto never got anything close to a nearfall.

They used the Boston crab hold well in this match with Hokuto escaping from it twice before finally falling at the end. His selling was good and he has a nice standing dropkick but he really needs to stop doing those forearm clubs to the chest they look like shit and the only people to ever make them look good are guys like Andre when he was stiffing people.

A perfectly decent debut and a guy who could if he sticks around have some potential. **

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